Horoscopes June 2023
Aries - 21 March to 19 April
Welcome to the other side, Aries. Jupiter spends its first full month in the sign of Taurus, so this may be the most financially prosperous month you’ve experienced so far this year. This isn’t too good to be true — you’ve worked diligently to get to this stage of your life, and the month of June will help you find ways to sustainably and intentionally grow your wealth.
But just remember that wealth is more than just the number in your bank account. Wealth also refers to the energies you transmit into the universe - you’re encouraged to take centre stage, let yourself be seen by the world and radiate fabulous vibes as your house of fate, creativity, fame, and love will be activated. You may feel drawn to sign up for a writing class or a screenplay, especially since your planetary ruler Mars is currently in Leo all month.
The Gemini New moon on the 18thkicks off a fresh new cycle, just in time for Cancer Season.
Taurus - 20 April to 20 May
Taurus season has come and gone, and now Gemini season encourages you to come out of your comfort zone and show the world that you’re not as predictable as they may think. Jupiter’s spending its first full month in your sign ramping up self - confidence but also your stubborn streak. With Mars, the planet of action, still close to Taurus placements in the celestial skies, you may find yourself losing your cool more easily at the start of the month, particularly around the Sag new moon on June 3. Working out, making love, and directing your energy to a creative hobby are healthy outlets for any pent-up passion brewing inside of you.
Mid-month, the Gemini new moon inspires you to turn up your routine, especially at work. Doing so could lead to a financial windfall coming your way in the next six months. But since Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto are all retrograde this month, you’d benefit from avoiding impulsive decision-making, and instead weeding out the distractions so you can better hear your intuition.
Gemini - 21 May to 20 June
Gemini Season is in full swing this month, and the Sagittarius full moon on June 3 helps heat up a romantic connection in your life, in fun and lively ways. Venus, the planet of love, enters Leo on June 5, lighting up your communication sector until October 8. This extended transit increases your confidence, while also making you slightly cocky or verbally aggressive. Check yourself when you notice your ego taking over. Some of the words you express this month could lead to burned bridges if you’re not careful.
Fortunately for you, Mercury, your planetary ruler, enters your sign on June 11, and remains there until the 26th. You’ll be able to convince nearly everyone to do what you want, making it a prime time to ask for a raise at work or seek genuine forgiveness in a friendship or romantic partnership.
Just make sure you’re not backtracking once Saturn begins its four-and-a-half-month retrograde in Pisces on the 17th. People will respect you more if your actions match your words, and the Sun’s entrance into Cancer on the 21st will provide you with an opportunity to evaluate what your values are, while holding yourself accountable for abiding by them. Maturity looks good on you!
Cancer - 21 June to 22 July
Cancer, your birthday season is around the corner, but before we get there, the Sagittarius full moon on June 3 shines a light on your routine, your health, and your wellness. Have you been overworking yourself to prove a point? This full moon may lead to you feeling physically and emotionally drained as the month begins, and this may be your sign to say no to all the responsibilities you’ve taken on, both at work and in your social life. You don’t have to always be the saviour. Once Pluto, the planet of transformation, retrogrades back into Capricorn on June 11, your partnership and marriage sector will be highlighted throughout the rest of 2023. Relationships will take centre stage in your subconscious mind, even if you’d prefer to focus on other matters. Think back to what relationship story was playing out in your life from January to March 2023 — chances are, there’s more to that story, and Pluto’s retrograde will help you unpack that.
By the time your birthday season begins on June 21, followed by Mercury’s entrance into your sign on June 26, you’ll look and feel like a more healed and wiser version of yourself. Perfect timing because Neptune, the planet of illusion, begins its five-month reversal in your fellow Water sign of Pisces on June 30, and this could feel like a cosmic doozy. Instead of thinking of the worst-case scenario, use this retrograde, combined with Jupiter’s first full month in Taurus to visualise your ideal life into existence.
Leo - 23 July to 22 August
Leo, now that Venus is in your sign until October 8, you’re the cosmic favourite (at least until Venus retrograde begins next month on July 22). You’ve been quietly doing your thing these past few months, and not fighting for the limelight. But now, the limelight is fighting for you. Everyone wants a piece of you this month, even if, you’re not asking for it. The full moon in Sagittarius on June 3 activates your house of fame, creativity, and love, further intensifying your magnetic nature. Whatever you ask for this month is likely to come to you with greater ease — so be careful what you wish for.
the Gemini new moon on June 18 shifts the focus to your friendships and social networks. If you’ve felt a bit off in that department, this is the cosmic fresh start you need to assess who you want to keep in your circle, and who you may need to peacefully release. Chances are, this new moon will open you up to making new friends, especially if things have felt one-sided in previous friendships.
Once Cancer season begins on the 21st, you’ll be in a more introspective and homebody mood, making it an ideal time to invite your trusted crew over to your abode rather than saying yes to countless invites.
Virgo - 23 August to 22 September
As the month begins Virgo, the Sagittarius full moon on June 3 highlights your domestic sector. Since Sag energy creates astrological friction with your Virgo energy, (forming a challenging Square) an event that occurs at home could deeply grate on your nerves, or you could get in a heated argument with a housemate or family member. While you can’t control what happens to you, you can control how you choose to react to it, and that will be your cosmic test with this full moon.
Your planetary ruler Mercury enters Gemini on June 11, throwing you out of your comfort zone, as Gemini’s mercurial energy is completely different from your own. On top of this, Venus, the planet of connection, is in Leo, making you feel more sensitive and aggressive. The first three weeks of June may not be the most smooth-sailing for you.
Saturn, the Teacher Planet, begins its four-and-a-half-month retrograde in your opposite sign of Pisces. Your relationships could go through a period of reassessment during this retrograde.
Life starts to mellow out once the Sun enters Cancer on the 21st, followed by your ruler Mercury also entering the sign represented by the Crab. The Cancer energy in the cosmos harmonises with your Virgo nature, helping you end the month with greater patience, love, and empathy than you previously felt. Pour that love into yourself first and foremost.
Libra - 23 September to 22 October
Libra, as the month of June begins, the Sagittarius full moon helps open up your throat chakra. Whatever thoughts and feelings you’ve kept bottled up these past six months in order to keep the peace will finally be released, perhaps in a dramatic and even angry way. You deserve to feel anger and to outwardly express it. This month’s full moon helps you step into a more assertive phase of your life, especially once your planetary ruler Venus enters Leo on June 5.
On the 18th, the new moon in Gemini blows winds of change and greater sense of ease into your life, helping smooth any ruffled feathers from the earlier half of the month. Saturn’s retrograde in Pisces helps mend your wounds, while reminding you of the power of setting peaceful, yet strong boundaries with people who consciously or unconsciously take advantage of your generosity.
Once Cancer Season begins on June 21, you may feel too sensitive for your liking, which could lead to you focusing your energy on your career instead. Make sure you’re not using professional obligations as a way to bypass emotional awareness, Libra. Yes, you can make significant strides at work, but also take time to write your feelings down or let them out through a creative outlet, because this month will be astrologically intense and so it’s better for you to express what you’re holding onto internally.
Scorpio - 23 October to 21 November
You’ve made it through eclipse season, Scorpio. Now what? Now you do whatever you want to do. You let your inner child take the lead. This month’s full moon in Sagittarius on June 3 is the ideal invitation to break free from mundane routines or societies expectations, and pave your own path, boldly and freely. This includes leaving behind outdated jobs or relationships, even if you have no idea what’s coming next. Since your house of money and security is activated by the Sag full moon, and Jupiter, the planet of luck, is in Taurus, activating your marriage sector, chances are that what comes next will be abundant, sensual, and totally unexpected.
The one issue: we’re at the start of retrogrades, with Pluto, Saturn, and Neptune all retrograde throughout the month. This could lead to you second-guessing yourself, especially when you’re at the point of changing your life for the better. Taking courageous leaps of faith can initially feel frightening, but you shouldn’t let the fear stop you from living the life your soul is calling for. The Gemini new moon on June 18 can help you write down your concerns, face them head-on, and choose to believe in the best-case scenario rather than worrying about what could go wrong.
Cancer season will feel like a cosmic gift, as the Sun and Mercury’s entrance into Cancer on June 21 and 26, will be a healing balm after the twists and turns you’ve navigated during last month’s eclipse season. Embrace this period of blissful calm the Universe is blessing you with.
Sagittarius - 22 November to 21 December
Sag, as the month begins, all eyes, ears and several lips are likely to be on you! The full moon in your sign on June 3 shines a light on your vibrant personality. Everyone wants a piece of you — but not everyone deserves it. Venus enters into Leo on June 5 encourages you to be unapologetically selfish. If people have consistently been grating on your nerves, you might decide to distance yourself from them instead of constantly giving them second chances. It’s retrograde season, so chances are they’ll show up in a few months’ time, but, for now, some distance will do, and everyone involved some good.
The Gemini new moon helps you start fresh on your romantic journey. You’re known for being the most flirtatious of the all the zodiac signs, and at times also being a ball /heart breaker, but you shouldn’t let these stereotypes limit or define you. This new moon takes place quite close to the start of Saturn’s retrograde in Pisces, so even if you have your fair share of admirers around you, you’ll be feeling more selective and discerning of who has access to your energy if single.
Cancer season may be a surprisingly tender period for you romantically, where you focus on cultivating deep intimacy with just one person. Vulnerability is your new sexy superpower.
Capricorn - 22 December to 19 January
Capricorn, your planetary ruler Saturn will experience its first Pisces retrograde in the past 27 years. This transit officially begins June 17, but you’re likely to feel the pre-shadow effects of the retrograde as soon as the month begins. With the Sag full moon activating your spirituality and healing sector on June 3, the first half of June will have you feeling in a deeply introspective and somewhat self-protective mood. The more discerning you are about who and what gets your attention and energy, the better.
The Gemini new moon on June 18 activates your sector of health, service, and wellness. This is one of the best moons of the year for starting fresh on a fitness journey or taking up a new food regimen, perhaps by cooking nutritious meals for yourself rather than ordering take aways, or finding a buddy for your workout plan. Just make sure you’re adding some fun in your health journey, or else you’ll easily feel burnt out, especially since your ruler Saturn will be retrograde and encouraging a softer approach to productivity.
Once Cancer season starts on June 21, relationships take centre stage, and you may find yourself falling in love more deeply with yourself first and foremost. This self-love energy will ramp up more cosmic compatibility in your life, not only romantically but also in terms of friendship. This isn’t too good to be a true, Capricorn — it’s the Universe giving you what you once wished for. And it’s up to you to receive these blessings.
Aquarius - 20 January to 18 February
Aquarius, the Sagittarius full moon on June 3rd is a wake-up call for you. If you’ve been dreaming of creating a passion or hobby, but you kept putting it on the back burner, you’ll feel lit up with a great sense of passion and drive. This is the time to shoot your shot, for your inner child’s sake.
By the time the new moon takes place in your fellow Air sign of Gemini on June 18, you may be well on your path to redefining your values. One of your planetary rulers, Saturn, will have just begun its retrograde in Pisces, and it’ll feel like you’re morphing into someone brand new. It doesn’t matter what you were once known for, you’ll be in the mood to distance yourself from labels and live a life beyond what you previously once were. This may initially feel like an identity crisis, but you’re actually stepping into a period of profound transformation and liberation.
Pisces - 19 February to March 20
At the end of this month, Neptune, the planet of fantasy, will begin its five-month retrograde through your sign, Pisces. You’ll feel the influence of this potent retrograde as soon as the month begins, so if there are moments when you feel a bit mentally foggy, put it down to Neptune’s upcoming retrograde, as well as Saturn’s retrograde in your sign that will begin on June 17.
These two retrogrades will help you rewire your consciousness, especially if you’ve been feeling trapped in a victim-based mentality. You’ll get to the root of where recurring pain or trauma comes from, and while transformation won’t happen overnight, this potent month provides a gateway and path for conscious healing of any deeply ingrained wounds.
The Gemini new moon on June 18 adds welcomed lightness to your life after a period of intense shadow work. Let yourself play like a child on their favourite playground — your inner child will be taking the lead, reminding you of hobbies, passions, and interests that you previously neglected. Once Cancer season begins on June 21 and activates your sector of fun, fate, and creativity, you’ll immerse yourself in rejuvenating activities and will feel more joy and presence than you’ve felt in the first five months of the year. Embrace this new beginning.