Magic & Spells
Welcome to my magic and spells page. Here is a safe and protected space where you can read & learn how to weave your very own Magik!
These spells are designed to enhance your own sacred space and to bring some extra Love, Joy and abundance into your life, with no harm done.
Enjoy! Happy spell casting.
Full Moon Release Phase-The Judgment Card.
The Essences of Magic
What is Magic? According to Aleister Crowley “Magik is the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with will”
Candle Money Spell
An effective candle spell for wealth and prosperity utilizes two dark green candles.
New Job Spell
Based on the Pagan tradition - this spell is for intermediate spell casters.
Spell Bound
A collection of very simple spells for love, prosperity, flow of life, protection and banishing