Rosa Derriviere Rosa Derriviere

The Nine of Swords & Mental Health awareness week.

Our mental health is just as important as our Physical and Spiritual health, in fact all three are interlinked. And since we’re bringing our awareness to highlighting mental health this week, i wanted to show case one of the cards in the Tarot that relates to this and that’s the Nine of Swords.

The Nine of swords often named ‘dark night of the soul’ comes up when we have disturbing thoughts and feelings that are over whelming and that weigh us down. Worrying excessively about a situation, these thoughts seem worse at night as seen above with the figure lying in bed with their head cradled in their hands. Fear and worry dominates here, and over obsessing about what could go wrong could end up becoming a self fulfilling prophecy. When we repeatedly have negative thoughts we run the risk of manifesting them in our lives, so the Nine of swords invites us to break this cycle by replacing every negative thought with a postive one. Much of our fear and worry isn’t necssacarily accurate, and without processing and understanding where these feelings have come from, can often result in becoming extremely anxious.

This Nine of Swords pops up when we feel desperate and anxious to the point that it keeps us up at night, preventing us from resting properly and getting a good nights sleep hence the link to insomnia with this card.

One solution is to get help from a third party. This can be a therapist or a healer. By enlisting some support, not only do we feel less isolated but another persons perspective can help impact and shift ours. We often cannot see a situation clearly when our thoughts are on auto pilot - and it’s easy to convince ourselves that there’s no way out.

Signs to look for if a friend or a loved one might be suffering in silence can vary from person to person, but there is an inner knowing or ‘gut feeling’ we all have when a situation feels off.

Feelings of suicide are very real for some people, but this doesn’t always mean that they’ll be acted upon. The Nine of swords can also come up as a result of abuse, bullying, infidelity and deception.

On a positive note there’s always light at the end of the tunnel. And if you’ve been on the receiving end of abusive behaviour the sooner it’s addressed the better. Reach out and get some help.

We can all play our part here - big or small by being kind and compassionate towards others. And if at any point we’ve inadvertently hurt or upset someone - then taking some accountability for our actions ( If it’s addressed) goes a long way.



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